Vein Treatment Help Center

What is Cause of the Enlarged Veins?

If you find that par­tic­u­lar veins are unat­trac­tive or cause pain, swelling, or oth­er uncom­fort­able symp­toms, you may be a can­di­date for vein treat­ment. These prob­lems may include enlarged or dilat­ed veins, mal­func­tion­ing venous valves, blocked veins, or blood clots. 

About Our Doctors

Our Doc­tors pro­vide you a treat­ment plan based on your indi­vid­ual needs. They are expe­ri­enced Surgeons. 

How Do I Get Free Evaluation?

First, our expe­ri­enced sur­geons ask about your med­ical his­to­ry, per­form nec­es­sary phys­i­cal exam. After this they will con­duct an ultra­sound of the region to help locate and iso­late the cause of your dis­com­fort. And Final­ly answer ques­tions about your con­cerns.

It is that simple.

Outpatient Service

Some com­mon out­pa­tient pro­ce­dures for dif­fer­ent types of vein issues, such as spi­der veins and vari­cose veins, include the following:

Radiofrequency Occlusion

Radiofre­quen­cy occlu­sion, also known as the Ven­e­fit™ pro­ce­dure, is a min­i­mal­ly inva­sive, fast-heal­ing treat­ment used to treat vari­cose veins—those swollen or con­gest­ed veins that can pro­trude from the skin and look like small pieces of rope.
This pro­ce­dure is per­formed using ultra­sound to guide a small catheter, or flex­i­ble tube, into the dam­aged vein. The catheter deliv­ers heat in the form of elec­tri­cal ener­gy to the vein wall to seal it shut.

Even­tu­al­ly, the body absorbs the vein.

This pro­ce­dure is per­formed using local anes­the­sia in the out­pa­tient surgery cen­ter, usu­al­ly in less than one hour. You can go home about 30 min­utes after the pro­ce­dure is over and return to your nor­mal activ­i­ties immediately. 

Endovenous Laser

Endove­nous laser, or VenaCure™, is a sim­i­lar pro­ce­dure to Radiofre­quen­cy Occlu­sion to seal vari­cose veins.

It is per­formed using ultra­sound to guide a small laser fiber into the dam­aged vein. The device deliv­ers heat in the form of laser ener­gy to the vein wall to seal it shut.

Even­tu­al­ly, the body absorbs the vein.

This pro­ce­dure is also per­formed using local anes­the­sia in the out­pa­tient sur­gi­cal cen­ter, usu­al­ly in less than one hour. You can go home about 30 min­utes after the pro­ce­dure is over and return to your nor­mal activities. 

Ambulatory Phlebectomy or Microphlebectomy

This is the pre­ferred treat­ment for vari­cose veins; phle­bec­to­my requires only local anes­the­sia in an out­pa­tient surgery center. 

The veins are removed through punc­tures so small—typically one or two mil­lime­ters long—that you usu­al­ly don not need stitch­es at all. 

Phle­bec­to­my is gen­er­al­ly per­formed after the VenaCure ™ or Ven­e­fit™ pro­ce­dures to remove any large sur­face veins left behind after the vein is closed.

Your legs can look smoother and you feel bet­ter. Addi­tion­al­ly, the scar­ring is so slight that it usu­al­ly dis­ap­pears in six months to one year. 


This sim­ple pro­ce­dure is effec­tive in treat­ing the ear­ly stages of both vari­cose and spi­der veins to pre­vent addi­tion­al com­pli­ca­tions such as swelling, unsight­li­ness, or exces­sive bulging. 

Your doc­tor or nurse will use a small nee­dle to inject the vein with med­ica­tion that irri­tates the lin­ing of the vein, there­by trig­ger­ing it to close. The vein is reab­sorbed into your body over the course of time. 

You may need one to sev­er­al scle­rother­a­py ses­sions for the treat­ment to be effec­tive, and the num­ber of injec­tions varies per session. 

Scar­ring and oth­er com­pli­ca­tions are rare. Side effects can include bruis­ing that usu­al­ly dis­ap­pears with­in two weeks. Dark pig­men­ta­tion can last for sev­er­al months but that usu­al­ly also fades away.

VeinWave and Laser Therapy

Both Vein­Wave™ and laser ther­a­py are used to treat spi­der veins, or bro­ken cap­il­lar­ies, that are too small for injections. 

In the laser treat­ment, a pre­cise wave­length of high-ener­gy light is pulsed through the skin. The red blood cells in the vein absorb the light and con­vert into heat. This trig­gers the vein to seal itself shut. 

The Vein­Wave™ on the oth­er hand uses a heat­ed ultra-fine nee­dle that is applied to the sur­face of the vein. The vein is sealed due to heat result­ing in the spi­der vein dis­ap­pear­ing with­in a few weeks. 

This pro­ce­dure allows for a very accu­rate appli­ca­tion, help­ing to pre­vent scarring.

Gen­er­al­ly, facial spi­der veins are treat­ed with either Vein­Wave™ or laser ther­a­py, while spi­der veins on the legs with scle­rother­a­py as a first step and if nec­es­sary, laser ther­a­py as an addi­tion­al treatment.


An alter­na­tive to laser and radiofre­quen­cy treat­ments, Varithena® is a chem­i­cal used to close vari­cose veins that was recent­ly approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion (FDA).

Varithena® is inject­ed, or insert­ed via a catheter, to col­lapse the affect­ed vein so blood flow is redi­rect­ed to health­i­er veins near­by. The pro­ce­dure requires few­er injec­tions of local anes­thet­ic than laser or radiofre­quen­cy treatments.


Clar­ivein® is a device that uses a catheter with a small rotat­ing met­al wire to deliv­er a chem­i­cal that clos­es the vein dur­ing the pro­ce­dure. Few­er injec­tions of local anes­the­sia are need­ed com­pared to the laser or radiofre­quen­cy treatments.


The VenaSeal™ clo­sure sys­tem is the non-tumes­cent, non-ther­mal, non-scle­rosant pro­ce­dure. It uses a pro­pri­etary med­ical adhe­sive deliv­ered endove­nous­ly to close the vein. 

This spe­cial­ized treat­ment elim­i­nates the risk of any ther­mal nerve injury when treat­ing the small saphe­nous vein. This pro­ce­dure is admin­is­tered with­out the need of tumes­cent anes­the­sia, thus avoid­ing patient dis­com­fort asso­ci­at­ed with mul­ti­ple nee­dle pricks.

Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofre­quen­cy abla­tion is a min­i­mal­ly inva­sive treat­ment for vari­cose veins. This treat­ment uses radiofre­quen­cy ener­gy to heat up and dam­age the wall inside a vein. 

This nor­mal­ly clos­es off a vari­cose vein in the leg.

To treat a vari­cose vein, radiofre­quen­cy ener­gy is direct­ed through a thin tube (catheter) insert­ed through a small inci­sion in the vein. It can be used on large veins in the leg and can be done in sur­gi­cal cen­ter using local anes­the­sia or a mild sedative. 

You will be able to walk fol­low­ing the treat­ment and recov­ery typ­i­cal­ly is short.

After treat­ment, you will need to wear com­pres­sion stock­ings for one o more weeks.

Ultrasound Foam Sclerotherapy

Foam scle­rother­a­py uses ultra­sound to treat vari­cose veins near the skin’s sur­face. A non-sur­gi­cal, min­i­mal­ly-inva­sive tech­nique, ultra­sound guid­ed scle­rother­a­py with foam is designed to close vari­cose veins caus­ing the prob­lem vein to shrink or pos­si­bly disappear.

For small vari­cose veins or spi­der veins, you can usu­al­ly expect to see defin­i­tive results in three to six weeks. Larg­er veins may require three to four months.

Visual Cosmetic Sclerotherapy

As the name indi­cates, Visu­al Cos­met­ic Scle­rother­a­py treat­ment is per­formed on sur­face veins for their unsight­ly appear­ance. It is a FDA approved treat­ment. No com­pound­ing phar­ma­cy, foam or liq­uid is inject­ed direct­ly into spi­der veins with a fine nee­dle, caus­ing the walls of the veins to close.

When patients have advanced vein dis­ease, Visu­al Cos­met­ic Scle­rother­a­py is often the final treat­ment mea­sure required, once all of the under­ly­ing prob­lems have been corrected. 

For those patients with mild or ear­ly vein dis­ease Visu­al Cos­met­ic Scle­rother­a­py may be the only treat­ment required.