Varicose — Spider Veins Treatment for Women

Varicose Veins in Women

Why Women are More Prone to Developing Varicose — Spider Veins than Men?

Varicose — Spider Veins & Women

When it comes women and vari­cose veins, mul­ti­ple stud­ies have shown that women tend to be at high­er risk than men for devel­op­ing the bulging, pur­plish, often painful ves­sels. Vari­cose veins and spi­der veins are very com­mon, affect­ing about 40 per­cent of men and 70 per­cent of women by age 60.

But why is that?

First let’s try to under­stand the causes:

Varicose Veins Are Caused by Weak Valves

The veins in your legs have to work hard­er to do this since they are pump­ing blood against the grav­i­ty. Valves are designed to be one-way only, but if the valves are weak or get dam­aged, they let blood flow back­wards and pool in your veins, cre­at­ing the bulge you see in vari­cose veins.

Heredity Is the Largest Risk Factor

Vari­cose Veins are a genet­ic prob­lem with more than 70 to 80 per­cent of patients with vari­cose veins hav­ing a rel­a­tive with vari­cose veins.

Pregnancy Is a Big Factor

Preg­nan­cy is a big fac­tor because you pro­duce up to 50 per­cent more blood to sup­port the fetus. This hap­pens when the uterus applies pres­sure to the large vein (the infe­ri­or vena cava) that car­ries blood back to the heart from your feet and legs.

Are Progesterone Levels and Varicose Veins Related?

In women, in addi­tion to con­tribut­ing to the reg­u­la­tion of men­stru­al cycles and the main­te­nance of sev­er­al organs, prog­es­terone also caus­es blood ves­sel walls to relax. Researchers observe that when these walls relax, the tiny valves that con­trol the flow of blood with­in the ves­sels also relax. As a result, the pres­sure exert­ed by blood as it’s flow­ing push­es out on the sides of the ves­sels, mak­ing them weak­er. And because women have con­sid­er­ably high­er lev­els of prog­es­terone than men — in fact, in women prog­es­terone is one of the pri­ma­ry sex hor­mones — researchers believe this is at least one rea­son why women are more prone to devel­op­ing vari­cose veins more than men.

Lifestyle Issues, do they matter?

Vari­cose veins can become itchy, uncom­fort­able, or even painful. Unlike pop­u­lar con­cep­tions, cross­ing your legs or wear­ing high heels do not con­tributes to vari­cose veins. How­ev­er, being over­weight and hav­ing a job that involves long peri­ods of stand­ing does make a difference.

What Kind of Treatments Are Women Specific?

Some of the treat­ments avail­able for women are:

Foam scle­rother­a­py of large veins.
Laser treat­ment.
Catheter-assist­ed pro­ce­dures using radiofre­quen­cy or laser ener­gy.
High lig­a­tion and vein strip­ping.
Ambu­la­to­ry phle­bec­to­my (fluh-BEK-tuh-me).
Endo­scop­ic vein surgery.

What Can You Do Next?

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95% of the Treatment May Be Covered by Insurance.
